JAKARTA - Former Regent of Tanimbar Islands Regency in Maluku for the 2017-2022 period Petrus Fatlolon fulfilled the prosecutor's summons to be questioned as a witness in two cases of alleged corruption.

Petrus was examined for more than five hours by the investigating prosecutor of the KKT District Attorney (Kejari) at the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).

"Pertrus was examined as a witness by the Tanimbar Kejari investigators in the case of alleged corruption in the 2020 fictitious SPPD budget and the KKT APBD capital participation budget to BUMD Tanimbar Energi," said Head of Intelligence Kejari KKT Muh. Fazlurrahman in a release, Thursday, May 30, was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, this examination is a series of examinations of the defendant Ruben Moriolkossu and the defendant Petrus Masela who had already been questioned by the prosecutor and is currently being tried at the Ambon Corruption Court.

"Pemeriksaan terhadap Petrus merupakan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Kejaksaan Negeri Tanimbar dengan status kasus yakni penyidikan," ucapnya.

In addition to the issue of the 2020 SPPD Setda Tanimbar, Petrus was also examined as a witness in the alleged corruption case in the Tanimbar Islands APBD capital participation budget to BUMD Tanimbar Energi.

The KKT APBD capital participation in BUMD is carried out from the 2020 budget year to 2022.

The examination of witnesses on the two cases in the investigation stage was carried out based on the Investigation Order of the KKT Kejari Number: PRINT-01/Q.1.13/Fd.2/01/2023 dated January 4, 2023, and Number: PRINT-03/Q.1.13/Fd.2/01/2023 dated January 30, 2023.

Then the investigation warrant Number: PRINT-203/Q.1.13/Fd.2/05/2024 dated May 3, 2024, where these two cases are under investigation status and are still under further development and deepening by the investigative team.

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