TANGERANG - The Department of Environment and Hygiene (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency acknowledged that the air quality in its area was in the bad category. This happens because many industrial and motorized vehicle factories in Tangerang Regency.

Head of the Legal Development Section of the Tangerang Regency DLHK, Sandi Nugraha, gave examples of unhealthy areas such as in the Curug area, Tangerang Regency.

According to him, in addition to the congestion of motorized vehicles, there are full of industrial factories, so the air in the location is quite alarming.

"If we look at this information (IQAIR), the air quality is indeed in the Curug area in the unhealthy category," Sandi told reporters, Thursday, May 30.

However, poor quality in this Curug area does not necessarily occur for a full 24 hours. However, there are certain hours that cause bad air quality.

"But if you look at the current hours of the afternoon, we are more towards the source of motorized vehicle moving emissions. Yes, so the quality index is not always unhealthy. But there are a few hours that are quiet, there must be changes," he said.

Therefore, to improve air quality in Tangerang Regency, namely by reducing the use of private vehicles. So that it does not cause a heavy motorized vehicle.

In addition, for the community, the activity of burning garbage is reduced. Because it is also a factor that can damage the air quality in the region.

Sometimes we like to burn garbage. Actually, the potential is quite influential on air quality. That's why we have to carry out this activity continuously with the agencies related to calculating air quality," he concluded.

For information, based on IQAIR data seen by VOI, Thursday, May 30, at 15.20 WIB, the air quality in Tangerang Regency is categorized as unhealthy. The air qualayas index reaches 159 AQI US.

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