JAKARTA - Chairman of the Regional Head Election of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Ahmad Iman Sukri said his party had not yet made a choice on who to carry in the 2024 gubernatorial election in North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

However, PKB is currently communicating with two candidates for Governor of North Sumatra who are currently working to seek support for a number of parties.

"So far, there have only been two communications to PKB, namely Pak Bobby and Edy Rahmayadi," said Iman at the PKB DPP office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.

Currently, Edy, who is the former Governor of North Sumatra, has taken the registration form for the four parties cagub, namely PKB, PKS, Democrats, and PDIP.

Meanwhile, Bobby has also taken registration forms to the Gerindra, PAN, Democrat, PKB, Perindo, PPP, Hanura, NasDem, and PKS parties.

PKB, according to Iman, is still considering carefully before providing recommendations to prospective governors and deputy governors to be promoted in the 2024 Pilkada.

The recommendation to carry the provincial level of bacada is targeted to be issued no later than the end of July 2024.

"So, this governor is the last minute. Because this is important, right, mapping, discussion, this is important to involve the general chairman and cross-party leaders," explained Iman.

Now, PKB has issued recommendations to the 65 candidates for regents and mayors to prepare themselves before being promoted in the regional elections.

Dozens of readings have passed the fit and proper test (UKK) from 288 people who registered with PKB. Of the 65 Bakacada who have received recommendations, 16 of them are from internal PKB cadres.

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