JAKARTA - Todung senior lawyer Mulya Lubis has been outspoken about the discourse of fat coalition' in the government of the President and Vice President-elect Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka. According to the Deputy for Law for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganja Pranowo-Mahfud MD, this fat coalition will weaken the opposition movement against the government.

"Many are allergic to the term opposition. Because it is said that Indonesia does not know the opposition. But it must be remembered that there is no democracy without opposition," said Todung Mulya Lubis in a chat with host Eddy Wijaya on the EdShare On podcast which aired Wednesday, May 29, 2024.

According to Todung, it will be easier for the government to do what it wants if there are no opposition parties. For example, in determining policies or laws that regulate the fate of many people. So that it will make it difficult for the nation to come forward. There will be no checks and balances," he said.

So functional democracy requires the opposition because it requires a balance force.

Todung also mentioned the pressure of many parties to the PDI-P to form a position. According to Todung, the PDI-P is indeed the big party that won the election three times in a row. However, it would not be enough if only Megawati Soekarnoputri's party had the composition. Because without more support, the opposition will not be effective," he said.

In chatting with Eddy Wijaya on the EdShareOn podcast, Todung also mentioned his disappointment with the results of the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) in hearing the 2024 presidential election dispute. According to Todung, the Constitutional Court did not consider conditions in the electoral process either before, moderately, and after the election. Because there are many allegations of intimidation, pressure, criminalization, and social assistance that benefit one candidate.

"The MK should not only be a mah of a calculator' that only looks at numbers. Because if we look at the decision, it's as if the Constitutional Court only sees numbers. If it is institutional like that, there is no need for a presidential election dispute in the trial at the Constitutional Court. It's enough for auditors to count the numbers," said Todung.

He also denied the statement by OC Kaligis, lawyer Prabowo-Gibran, in a chat with Eddy Wijaya at EdShareOn earlier, which stated that the lawsuit of applicant one (paslon 01) and applicant two (paslon 03) was in disarray. Todung said that his lawsuit had been made very comprehensive compared to the presidential election lawsuit in previous periods.

"I don't know if he read it or not. But if it's read, I'm sure the 2024 PHPU application is a very comprehensive application," said Todung.

However, Todung does not agree with the weakening of the Constitutional Court in the revision of the Constitutional Court Law which is being discussed by the DPR. According to Todung Mulya Lubis, the Constitutional Court judge is the guardian of the constitution whose independence must be maintained. "For example, the rules for evaluating judges are not appropriate for judges of the Constitutional Court," he said. Watch more on Youtube EdShareOn Eddy Wijaya! (ADV)

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