JAKARTA - The general chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, is said to have known about the distribution of social assistance or social assistance to the sacrifices carried out by the Malahayati Women's Guard (Garnita) as assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

This statement was conveyed by Joice Triatman, a former special staff member of Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL as well as the Wabendum of the NasDem Party when he was a witness to the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities.

Initially, SYL's legal adviser, Djamaludin Koedoeboen, questioned the matter of reporting all of Garnita's activities, which are NasDen's wing organization, to Surya Paloh.

"You mentioned that it was related to sacrificial animals, then with basic necessities, with eggs, there was assistance from the ministry. Is there any mention of it or not?" asked Koedoeboen during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29.

"To Mr. Surya Paloh?" asked Joice to make sure

"Yes," said Koedoeboen.

"Yes," answered Joice about reporting activities to Surya Paloh.

Koedoeboen then asked Joice to convey his statement when reporting it to Surya Paloh.

Joice said that all Garnita activities were formally reported, both the distribution of basic necessities and the slaughter of sacrificial animals.

"Permission to report you, that in the last 3 months there have been activities a,b,c,d, including from the distribution of basic necessities, then there is the Eid al-Abs and so on, all assistance comes from the Ministry of Agriculture," said Joice.

With this report, Surya Paloh is said to know that Garnita's activities are donations from the Ministry of Agriculture. In fact, the NasDem General Chair asked him to continue running it.

"Then what is his response?" asked Koedoeboen.

"Good, good, run it," said Joye imitating Surya Paloh's statement.

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