JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) has given strict warnings and the removal of Krispianus is different from the position of chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of West Manggarai Regency (Mabar).

The sanction was taken after Krispianus was proven to have sexually assaulted one of the civil servant staff (PNS).

"Imposing strong warning sanctions and dismissal from the position of chairman to the defendant Krispianus Beda as chairman concurrently a member of the West Manggarai KPU as of the time this decision was read out," said DKPP Chairman Hedi Lugito in a verdict hearing on Tuesday, May 28.

Furthermore, DKPP ordered the KPU to carry out the decision no later than seven days after the verdict was read out and ordered Bawaslu to oversee the implementation of the decision.

Member of the DKPP session, Ratna Dewi, said that the decision was made by considering the facts revealed at the trial. He said the arguments presented by the complainant or victim were in accordance with the facts of the trial.

DKPP also believes that Krispianus cannot maintain personal integrity, social order, and the honor of election organizers. Krispianus has distorted institutional muruah and created uncomfortable conditions in the institutional environment.

"DKPP also believes that the defendants are inappropriate and do not deserve to serve as chairman of the West Manggarai KPU for the period 2024-2029," he said.

Another member of the DKPP session, Raka Sandi, revealed the arguments of the victim's complaint who is also a complainant in this case.

Based on the victim's complaint, Krispianus Beda was suspected of physically and unphysically assaulting the complainant as a civil servant at the district KPU secretariat in West Manggarai in 2019.

For the first time, sexual violence occurred around July 2019 in the boarding house of the complainant. At that time, the permit complainant did not enter the office because he was sick.

However, Krispianus came to the victim's boarding house under the pretext of delivering oles oil to treat the victim.

Raka said that the victim did not want Krispianus' arrival. However, Krispianus forced him to come. Krispianus is also suspected of forcing him to apply oil to the victim whose face was swollen.

At the same time, Krispianus tried to kiss the victim forcibly and tried to rape the victim.

After the incident, the victim explained that Krispianus had committed several acts of unphysical sexual violence.

The pretext of sexual violence, among others, contacting complainants via video call or video call, asking complainants to send indecent photos and tell sexual fantasies that lead to sexual harassment.

"The defendant is argued to often convey his intention to arrange official travel with the complainant," he said.

The second alleged physical sexual violence occurred during an official trip in Lembor District, West Manggarai Regency on December 18, 2019.

The victim stated that Krispianus met him at the inn because he was sick and needed medicine. However, Krispianus actually met the victim in a drunken state due to the influence of alcoholic drinks and sexually abused him.

During the trial, Krispianus denied and denied all the arguments of the complainant's complaint. According to Krispianus, the evidence for physical and unphysical sexual violence is fabricated and slanderous.

"According to the defendants, these accusations demean the personal dignity and position of defendants as members of the West Manggarai KPU," he said.

In May 2020 the victim attempted to submit a report to the West Manggarai Police. The victim made a complaint to Marianus Demon Hada as the head of the Women and Children Service unit.

Marinus suggested meeting a new chance. Finally, the report was discontinued because the victim wanted to continue her master's studies in Semarang in August 2020.

"In the process of undergoing the learning process, the complainant experienced prolonged psychological trauma and stress with symptoms such as experiencing feelings of distrust of other people, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, headaches, loss of enthusiasm for learning, followed by feelings of fraud and helplessness," said Raka.

"The complainant is worried that if the problem with the defendant is not resolved, then when he returns to his assignment to the West Manggarai KPU, it will be fatal for the condition of the complainant," he added.

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