Chairman of the NasDem Party Leadership Council (DPP) Willy Aditya was asked for a response regarding the testimony of witness at the trial of Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) regarding the flow of funds of Rp. 850 million from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) for his party.
However, Willy was reluctant to give a response. After the activity of submitting the recommendations of 6 cadres to become regional head candidates, Willy admitted that his party was still focused on preparing for the Pilkada.
"Just the election first," said Willy when met at NasDem Tower, Tuesday, May 28.
When answering the question, Willy's voice sounded low. Several times he made a thin smile while trying to end the question and answer session if there were no questions other than the election.
"Just the others, we'll just take care of the regional elections first. Outside the regional elections, I'm sorry," said Willy.
On Monday, May 27, the former Special Staff (Staffsus) of SYL, Joice Triatman, was presented as a witness in the trial of the alleged extortion and acceptance of gratuities for the defendants SYL, Kasdi Subagyono, and Muhammad Hatta.
Initially, Joice, who is also the Deputy General Treasurer (Wabendum), said that there was an order from SYL to coordinate with Kasdi Subagyono regarding the procurement of money.
"I received an order from the Minister to coordinate with the Secretary General of Mr. Kasdi for the funding case for an event in the NasDem Party in order to hand over the DPR RI Babileg form to the KPU Building," said Joice during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court.
"Where's the event?" asked the judge.
"At the NasDem Party building last year, Your Majesty, in 2023," answered Joice.
"Pencalegan? Already want to be close to the election?" asked the judge.
"That's right, Your Majesty," replied Joice.
Then, Joice conveyed the budget prepared by the committee of the event worth Rp. 1 billion. However, the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono, is said to have refused.
Therefore, it was agreed that the amount of money that would be handed over by the Ministry of Agriculture would be IDR 850 million.
"Kasdi objected then what?" asked the judge.
"Until it was agreed Rp850 million," answered Joice.
"Can you talk?" asked the judge.
"No, just once," replied Joye.
"Finally, from Rp. 1 billion it dropped to?" asked the judge.
"Rp850 million," replied Joye.
Joice said the Rp850 million was disbursed after two weeks since the RAB was approved. However, it is said that they do not know the source of the money from the Ministry of Agriculture related to the funding.
"After being approved, the money was immediately handed over?" asked the judge.
"There is a process, Your Honor. The direction of Mr. Kasdi at that time was to ask Sespri and me to coordinate with Sespri until they waited for the funds to be disbursed," said Joice.
"How many days did the judge collect?" asked the judge.
"I don't remember for sure about two weeks since the RAB was approved," answered Joice.
"Do you know where the source of the Rp850 million came from?" asked the judge.
"I don't know, what is clear is from the Ministry of Agriculture," answered Joice.
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