YOGYAKARTA The People's Housing Savings Program (Tapera) is in the spotlight because employee salaries will be deducted by 3 percent for Tapera deposits. Employee criteria that must participate in Tapera are listed in Article 7 of Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 25 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Public Housing Savings.

Tapera itself is a savings fund made by participants periodically within a certain period of time which can only be used for housing financing and/or returned along with the results of the camp after the participants end.

Through the Tapera program, participants who are included in the category of Redah Income Communities (MBR) can benefit in the form of Home Ownership Loans (KPR), Home Building Loans (KBR), and Home Renovation Loans (KRR) with long tenors of up to 30 years and interest rates remain below the market interest rate.

The main legal basis of Tapera is the 1945 Constitution (UUD) Article 28 H Paragraph (1), which states:

Every organization has the right to live prosperous and physically, live, and get a good and healthy environment and is entitled to health services.

Another legal basis is Law Number 1 of 20111 concerning Housing and Settlement Areas, Law Number 4 of 2016 concerning Rakyar Housing Savings, and Government Regulation Number 5 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Tapera.

The above has been mentioned that the criteria for employees who are required to participate in Tapera are stated in Article 7 of PP No. 21 of 2024. Here's the list:

Furthermore, Article 15 of PP Number 21 of 2024 states that the amount of savings for Tapera participants is set at 3 percent of the participant's salary or wages and income for independent worker participants.

The participants of the workers are borne by 0.5 percent of the employers and 2.5 percent of the workers. Meanwhile, all Tapera deposits are borne by participants.

The requirements to become Tapera participants are workers and independent workers who earn at least the minimum wage and are at least 20 years old or have been married when registering.

If Tapera's membership is over, then it is entitled to return the deposits and the results of the camp. Deposits and the results of the camp must be given no later than 3 months after the membership is declared over.

There are several things that make Tapera's participation end up, such as:

That's information about the criteria for employees who are required to join Tapera. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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