CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, prohibits schools at various levels from collecting fees in any form for farewell events or class promotions. Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said this ban also included contributions to holding study tours outside the region. The district government allows separations to still be held but in the school environment without collecting fees or fees from students or parents. "Please hold a farewell event at each school without dues, if anyone violates, please report directly to me or to the Youth and Sports Education Office - Disparpora- Cianjur," he said in Cianjur as reported by Antara, Monday, May 26. He explained that he did not prohibit various activities from being held by the school as long as it did not burden the students and their parents, because so far there have been many complaints regarding the amount of contributions that must be issued at the end of school. This includes strictly prohibiting study tour activities at the end of schooling out of town, where the ban has been stated in a circular regarding the prohibition of holding a study tour, as an effort to anticipate things that are not desirable. "SE issued as a follow-up to the West Java Governor's Circular prohibits schools from holding study tours outside the region, it is enough to hold a study tour in the city because Cianjur has a tourist attraction that is not inferior to other regions," he said. His party noted that various natural, beach and artificial tourism objects are owned by Cianjur from the north to the south, such as the Cibodas Botanical Gardens, Taman Bunga Nusantara, Savilage, Karang Cut, the Mount Padang Megalithic Site and hundreds of well-known waterfalls to outside the city.
"Why do you have to leave the city if in Cianjur there are many interesting tourist attractions, even people out of town on vacation to Cianjur, educational tours to artificial tours range from north to south, so there is enough study tours in Cianjur," he said.

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