JAKARTA - The government has decided to cancel the policy of increasing the amount of single tuition fees (UKT) for State Universities (PTN), which is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Number 2 of 2024.

According to Minister of Education and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim, the decision was taken after the government had a dialogue with university rectors and heard the aspirations of various stakeholders regarding this issue which has recently become a public spotlight.

"The Ministry of Education and Culture has taken the decision to cancel the UKT increase this year and we will evaluate all requests for an increase in UKT from PTN (public university)," said Nadiem after meeting President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace, reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 27.

He explained that for this year, no students will be affected by the UKT increase policy, while the government will evaluate one by one requests from universities for an increase in UKT next year.

"So this is really something, the aspirations that we listen to (from) the community and also we want to ensure that even if there is an increase in UKT, it must be based on the principles of justice and fairness. That's what we will do," said Nadiem.


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Nadiem thanked all elements of society, especially students and university rectors who had provided input and views, until the government decided to cancel this year's UKT increase.

"For details, what kind of policy will be carried out later. The Director General of Higher Education will explain the details as soon as possible," he said.

Recently, it has been widely reported that a number of campuses have provided a large UKT fee jump, such as an increase from UKT class four to class five and so on with an average of five to 10 percent.

This has become a polemic until there has been a wave of demonstrations by state university students in a number of areas.

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