JAKARTA - Spanish Defense Minister Total Robles described the situation in the Gaza Strip as a "real genocide", assessing the importance of Spain's recognition of the Palestinian State.

Speaking to Spanish broadcasters RTE at a military parade in Oviedo, he said Spain cannot ignore the situation in Gaza, stressing "peace" is a priority for the armed forces and the Spanish government.

"We cannot ignore what happened in Gaza, which is a real genocide," he said.

Last week, Spain, Norway and Ireland announced they would officially recognize the Palestinian State starting May 28. The move increases tensions in Madrid's bilateral relations with Israel.

"This is a step towards achieving peaceful coexistence and ending the violence in Gaza," he said, commenting on Spain's acknowledgment of Palestine.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced plans for Palestinian recognition last week saying Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to listen to the international community, while continuing to bomb civilian infrastructure and block the much-needed aid.

He said recognition of Palestine was not the end, but only the first step, and Spain would continue to pressure the international community to take action.

Previously, eight EU member states had recognized Palestine, including Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, the South Cypriot Administration of Greece and Sweden.

Meanwhile, 81 Palestinians were killed and 223 injured as a result of the last 24 hours of Israeli attacks, bringing the death toll in the Palestinian enclave to 35,984 and injuries to 80,643 people since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupted in October 2023, local health authorities said Sunday, quoted from Xinhua.

Separately, Israel's Foreign Ministry is considering further diplomatic measures against the three countries following Wednesday's announcement, a source familiar with the matter said.

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