TANGERANG - A teenager named Diki Permana (18) disappeared after jumping into the Cisadane River, Tangerang City. It is suspected that he jumped because he was chased by a gangster group.

Head of the Tangerang City BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division, Ghufron Falfeli, said the incident occurred on Sunday, May 26, at 04.00 WIB.

"According to information from the victim's colleague. The victim (Diki) was chased by a gangsters towards the 10th floodgate, because of panic the victim jumped into the Cisadane river," said Ghufron when confirmed, Sunday, May 26.

Until now, his party is still sweeping Diki Permanan, who is missing in the Cisadane River, Tangerang City. Dozens of personnel and boats were deployed, in order to facilitate the search.

"Personnel 45, there are 4 units of boats to search for victims," he said.

Meanwhile, one of the local residents, Siti, said that at the time of the incident there were two people who jumped into the Cisadane river. However, one was saved, because the residents were helped.

Based on the victim's story, said Siti, at that time the victim was walking when she wanted to go home. Suddenly passed by a group of gangsters.

"Because he was considered his enemy, even though he had finished playing from his friend's house. In the end he was afraid to run away from him being hacked, because his machetes took a long time to finally influence themselves," said Siti.

Luckily, one of the two victims who jumped was saved. On his occasion, Siti hoped that the police would arrest the gangster, because he was disturbing the residents.

"Please to the police chief, this resident is restless. It's a pity that the innocent finally become victims. He doesn't think anyone will immediately stab," he said.

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