JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo invited Jan Ethes Srinarendra's grandson to ride a bicycle together across a number of areas in Yogyakarta.

President Jokowi and Jan Ethes pedaled their bicycles across several iconic points in the city of Yogyakarta, starting from Jalan Wijilan, Alun-Alun Kidul, Pasar Ngasem, Alun-North Square, to Zero Kilometer Points.

The togetherness of the grandfather and grandson has received the attention of the residents of Yogyakarta and tourists.

Friday, a tourist from Probolinggo, East Java, revealed his luck to meet President Jokowi twice in a short time.

"From last night I got a T-shirt, then I got a photo too, with Mr. Alhamdulillah, I'm very happy," Friday said as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, May 25.

"People are very populist, so they are really with the community, that's good. I was asked to take a photo, they are also very friendly. A good figure," he said.

Inez, a local resident of Yogyakarta, also feels lucky because she rarely meets the President when Jokowi visits Yogyakarta.

"I'm really happy because I've been a resident of Yogyakarta for a long time, but if you come here I've never met you," said Inez, who was exercising around the Kilometer Zero Point at that time.

Travel groups from Jakarta, namely Devi, Uni, and Ade, who are on vacation in Yogyakarta, also expressed their gratitude to be able to meet with the President. They are grateful to be able to take a photo together with President Jokowi.

Previously, Friday (24/5) night, the President also invited Jan Ethes and Jan Ethes' younger brother, La Lembah Manah, to tour the Andong ride in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta.

The togetherness of President Jokowi and two grandchildren of his first son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Selvi Ananda, attracted the attention of the residents.

People's boisterous voices welcomed the andong that the President and his grandson were traveling in front of them.

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