JAKARTA - The Draft Law (RUU) continues and at the same time produces criticism. The controversial Broadcasting Bill is considered to silence press freedom.

Likewise, which was concluded from a press organization meeting, as well as a joint press of Pro-Democracy students and organizations, in Jakarta, Thursday, May 23.

"We reject the entire article on silencing press freedom and freedom of expression in the Broadcasting Bill," the meeting decided.

The meeting, which was attended by the leaders of PWI DKI Jakarta Province (PWI Jaya), AJI and IJTI Jakarta, formulated a joint statement.

First, rejecting problematic articles in the revision of the Broadcasting Law which is being discussed in the DPR RI. These articles will silence freedom of press and freedom of expression in Indonesia, which is the main pillar of the democratic system.

This revision of the Broadcasting Law contains a number of provisions that can be used to control and hinder journalistic work. Some articles even contain criminal threats for journalists and media who report things that are considered contrary to the interests of certain parties.

This is clearly against the spirit of reform and democracy that we have fought for together.

Not only journalists, a number of articles in the Broadcasting Bill also have the potential to curb freedom of expression and discrimination against marginal groups. This dependence will result in the worsening of the media industry and exacerbating the working conditions of media workers and creative workers in the digital realm.

Points of rejection:

1. The threat to Freedom of Press: The problematic articles in this revision give excessive authority to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission to regulate media content, which can lead to censorship and silencing of criticism of the government and interested parties, such as being contained in the draft article 8A letter q, article 50B letter c and article 42 paragraph 2.

2. Freedom of Expression Threatened: Provisions governing content supervision not only limit the space for media movement, but also threaten the freedom of citizen expression, through a draft number of articles that have the potential to curb freedom of expression.

3. Journalist criminalization: There is a criminal threat for journalists who report news that is considered controversial is a form of criminalization of the journalist profession.

4. Media Independence Threatened: This revision can be used to pressure the media to side with certain parties, which undermine media independence and news balance, such as being contained in the draft article 51E.

5. Revision of the Broadcasting Law Potentially Threatens the Sustainability of Jobs for Creative Workers: The emergence of problematic articles that curb freedom of expression has the potential to eliminate job opportunities for creative workers, such as Youtube content teams, podcasts, social media activists and so on

Therefore, the meeting demands and calls for:

- The Indonesian House of Representatives immediately stopped discussing the revision of the Broadcasting Law which contained these problematic articles.- The Indonesian House of Representatives must involve press organizations, academics, and civil society in drafting policies related to freedom of press and freedom of expression.- Ensuring that every regulation made must be in line with the principles of democracy and freedom of the press.- It is appropriate for all members of the press, creative workers and social media activists in Jakarta to prepare to take to the streets to protest to the DPR RI.

Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are human rights that must be maintained and protected. For this reason, we will continue to oversee this legislation process and be ready to take mass action if our demands are not met.

Organizations that are SIGNed: Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Jaya Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jakarta Ikatan Journalists of Indonesian Television (IJTI) Jakarta Raya Indonesian Photo Journalists (PFI) And Creative Media and Industry Workers for Democracy (SINDAKSI) LBH Jakarta LPM Jakarta LBH Jakarta Institute UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta LPM Progress Universitas Indraprasta PGRILPM KETIK PolyMedia Kreatif Jakarta LPM Parmagz ParamadinalLM SUMA University IndonesiaLM Didaktika State University Jakarta LPM ASPIRATION - UPN Veteran Mata IBN Institute Business Nusantara LPM PublicaLM Unsika

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