JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) said there are three main issues that will be discussed during the implementation of the National Working Meeting V today, Friday, May 24 to Sunday, May 26. Among them are related to the political attitude to the preparation of the regional elections.
"Regarding the content of the material and so on, the National Working Meeting will discuss the issues related to three main issues. The first is about the political attitude of the PDI-P both internally and externally,” said Chairman of the Steering Committee Rakernas V PDIP Djarot Saiful Hidayat to reporters at the Beach City International Stadium, Ancol, North Jakarta, Friday, May 24.
"The political stance and position of the PDI Perjuangan will be discussed in group one," he continued.
Second, Djarot said, discussions on the people's program will be carried out. “ How can the party formulate a people's program to be able to raise the dignity and status of the community, the people especially farmers, fishermen, laborers, youth and women. This will be discussed in the second group,” he said.
Third, PDIP will discuss the strategy for winning the 2024 Pilkada. DPC and DPD will later be divided into three groups.
The first group, continued Djarot, came from the DPC and DPD whose votes were obtained during the 2024 General Election and then received 20 percent or more votes. “ Then this second sub-group is DPC DPD which gets 10 to 20 percent seats. And those under the sub-commission of group 3,” he explained.
In addition, PDIP will also hear the general views of each DPD regarding post-election conditions in 2024. “ This is an overview and finally on the last day recommendations will be read out both internally and externally by the party, Djarot said.
"All the decisions of the National Working Meeting were taken based on the principle of deliberation and consensus," continued the chairman of the PDIP DPP.
For information, PDIP will hold a National Working Meeting (Rakernas) V on May 24-26, 2024, at the Ancol Beach City International Stadium, Jakarta. The theme presented is 'Satyam Eva Jayate, Truth Must Win' with the theme 'The Power of People's Unity, The Way of Truth.
It is planned that this activity will be attended by 4,858 participants consisting of all party functions such as the Party DPP; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer of the DPD and DPC Party; Member of the DPR RI; the party body and wing; Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer of the Foreign Leadership Council (DPLN) from 16 countries.
Then also present were members of the Provincial, Regency/City DPRD; the head and deputy regional head of PDIP; as well as candidates for members of the DPR RI elected non-incumbent elections. Later, PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri will deliver a political speech at the opening.
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