JAKARTA - Joint officers control the illegal parking of vehicles on the sidewalk and the body of Jalan Rawa Sawah III, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 22.

"This road is often used as a parking lot for motorbikes and merchant carts. They are all rented and boarding houses in this area," said Elis (45), a local resident, to reporters.

The rise of illegal parking on roads and sidewalks makes it difficult for users of public facilities who want to pass on the streets.

Even garbage transportation is often disrupted due to illegal parking and merchant carts.

"You have to control it regularly here, not just this one day. It's a pity for the elderly, sometimes they travel quite far because the vehicle cannot pass," he said.

Meanwhile, according to one of the officers, illegal motorbike parking at the location belongs to mostly residents of boarding houses and traders.

"Several motorbikes were also prosecuted by officers with their motorbike tires removed," he said.

This control will continue to be carried out routinely in order to create a deterrent effect. The boarding house owner was also asked to provide an official parking lot and not use the road as a motorbike parking lot.

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