JAKARTA - One passenger died and another 30 were injured in a very violent turbulence on a Singapore Airlines flight from London to Singapore.

"We can confirm that there were several injured and one person died on the Boeing 777-300ER plane," the airline said in a statement quoted by CNN, Tuesday, May 21.

Until 19.50 Singapore time on May 21, 2024, 18 people had received medical treatment at the hospital. The other 12 were hospitalized, according to Singapore Airlines.

The remaining passengers and crew are being examined and given treatment, if necessary, at Suvawenhumi International Airport in Bangkok, the company said.

One passenger died from Singapore Airlines turbulence, a British citizen. The 73-year-old man is known to have heart disease.

General Manager of Bangkok's Suvarnabehumi International Airport, Kittipong Kittikachorn, said the man died on the plane.

The cause of death still had to be diagnosed by a doctor. But the man suffered from heart disease.

"This is the first time in Thailand there has been turbulence that has caused loss of life," said Kittikachorn.

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