Four police officers were arrested for being involved in drug abuse in the Cimanggis area, Depok, West Java. Four of them were decided to undergo the rehabilitation process.
"(Four police drug users) have been rehabilitated," said Director of Barkoba Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki to reporters, Tuesday, May 21.
According to him, the four policemen are only users. So, based on the rules they must undergo rehabilitation.
"Members who use the same as ordinary people, he violates the discipline processed. If the user, we rehabilitate it," he said.
However, the internal process is still being carried out. However, Hengki could not speak much about this matter. Because, the authority lies with the Bidpropam Polda Metro Jaya
"Members in violation of discipline are processed by ditpropram. Actually, it's been a long time," said Hengki.
Originally, five policemen were arrested. However, one of them was released on the grounds that the results of the urine examination were negative for drugs.
They were arrested in Palsigunung, Cimanggis District, Depok City on Friday 19 April. During the arrest, 1 box of clear plastic clips was confiscated, 1 bag containing a straw, 1.24 grams of crystal methamphetamine (in 5 clear plastics), 1 pack of pipettes and 1 pipette.
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