JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya continues to investigate the alleged blasphemy case with reported Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong. The current development of investigators has asked for information from 14 witnesses. "There are 14 witnesses who have been investigated," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Tuesday, May 21. Dozens of witnesses who have been questioned, such as witnesses from the reporting party to church security officers. Not only that, investigators have also asked for the views of several experts in handling the alleged blasphemy case. Some of them are the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to the Ministry of Religion. "Then from the apartment, then the person in charge of worship at GBI, then from MUI as well, then from GBI management, then from the ministry of religion," he said. Meanwhile, regarding the examination of Pastor Gilbert, it was said that it had not been carried out until now. Investigators are still coordinating this matter "This is still being communicated, please take time. Not yet, it will be scheduled later," said Ade. Pastor Gilbert Lumoindong went viral because in his lecture he compared zakat between Muslims and Christians. From the video circulating on social media, Pastor Gilbert is considered to have insulted Islam because he only paid zakat 2.5 percent and boasted because Christians used to give up 10 percent. According to Gilbert, he said this when he mentioned the prayers of Muslims who must be pure first. "I was taught Islam cleanly before praying, washing everything. I said, you are 2.5 percent myself 10 percent," said Pastor Gilbert.
Gilbert also said that with 10 percent alms, Christians do not have to bother praying. They only sing while Muslims pray quite hard, because they have to fold their feet at the end of the day.

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