TANGERANG Police revealed that moments before the PK-IFP Cessna plane crashed on the edge of the Sunburst BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai) field, South Tangerang (Tangsel), the crew sent a fire sign.

At that time, the plane took off from Tanjung Lesung to Pondok Cabe. However, the code of danger was obtained by officers when the position was in the BSD Serpong area.

"Initial information from Tanjung Lesung wanted to return to Pondok chili, then there was a "my way of thinking," said South Tangerang Metro Police Chief, AKBP Ibnu Bagus Santoso to reporters at the location, Sunday, May 20.

In line with these remarks, Vijay, the parking attendant of the McDonald's restaurant, said that she saw the plane was overflowing and emitting smoke. Vijay also admitted that she was scared because she was worried that the plane would fall on her.

I want a marker, from 1-5 pm. Now, half past two it's getting dark the weather. After it rains, there's a plane from above. From above, it's gluing down, like a broken kite. We didn't have time to take a video for fear. Viha's story to VOI, at the scene, Sunday, May 19.

Before the incident, Vijay said that the weather conditions that day were very dark, at around 13.30 WIB.

"We are here, seeing the plane want to get off. But it's like a car wants to hit someone. At first we wanted to take it off in the Sunburst field. Maybe not in a hurry, it's already crashed. " he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) Dr. Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono said that to find out the cause of the accident, the party was investigating the pilot's conversation with air traffic officers before the air accident.

"Further investigations were carried out. Including conversations with the control tower, we will hear later," said KNKT Chairman Dr. Ir Soerjanto Tjahjono to reporters at the location, Sunday, May 20, evening.

In addition, his party will also examine a number of debris in the PK-IFP aircraft. The goal is to assist in collecting data on the causes of the plane crash incident.

"We note that there was an engine that crashed on the other side (where the plane crashed, ed). And there was a propeller that crashed. We also note all of its positions. It will come from the crash position trying to see how the plane behaved at the last time before hitting a tree," he said.

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