JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman postponed the agenda for a working visit to China to visit farmers who were victims of floods and landslides in Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province (West Sumatra).

"Actually I have to go to China. But when we heard the news, we heard the news after traveling around Padang, West Sumatra was hit by a disaster, including agriculture, so I pushed it back (to China)," Amran said while reviewing flood and landslide disaster victims in Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Saturday.

The Minister of Agriculture admitted that he should have flown to China for a bilateral meeting with the country's minister of agriculture. However, as soon as he heard the news of a flood and landslide disaster, his departure had to be postponed.

According to the Minister of Agriculture, agriculture is the heart of the nation's future which needs mutual attention both at the central and regional levels.

Therefore, Amran ensured that a number of farmers who were in disaster-affected locations could recover and produce as usual.

"God willing, in the near future, maybe at the latest next month, the budget will be down for West Sumatra. Then we will provide agricultural machinery later, maybe around Rp. 15-20 billion. But what is certain is that for the rice fields we will reduce Rp. 10 billion," said the Minister of Agriculture in a statement in Jakarta.

So far, said the Minister of Agriculture, his party has received reports of how much land area must be repaired and how much will be rehabilitated. Therefore, he asked for the support of all parties, including local governments and farmer groups, to return to production.

"We have received reports such as 450 hectares of puso, then 1,600 hectares of damaged plants. So about two thousand hectares, then we have to rehabilitate them. Everything is our concern," he said.

The Minister of Agriculture added that all requested assistance would be sent immediately so that agriculture in the area could return to normal.

"Don't let production go down because the repair budget has not been distributed. I ask for immediate disbursement of the budget to West Sumatra. These are our brothers who have been hit by a disaster, need special attention, need assistance as soon as possible," he explained.

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