The case of the alleged murder of Vina and her boyfriend, Rizky or Eky, has not been completed because there are still three perpetrators who are still at large.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is said to have provided instructions and directions to the West Java Regional Police in handling the case.

"Bareskrim Polri as the supervisor of the function has carried out and provided instructions and directions (Jukrah) regarding investigations and investigations," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Erdi Adrimulan Chaniago in his statement, Friday, May 17.

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police through the Directorate of General Crimes is known to have sent a team to assist the process of handling the case.

Director of General Crimes Brigadier General Djuhandani Raharjo Puro said the team formed would back up the West Java Regional Police as the authority to investigate the alleged murder case.

"We sent a team to back up the West Java Regional Police," said Djuhandani.

In handling this case, it was not only Bareskrim Polri who intervened. Polda Metro Jaya also stated that it was ready to provide assistance.

This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi when questioned information circulating about one of three fugitives in the Vina murder case in Jakarta.

"So in principle, Polda Metro Jaya is ready to help, looking for suspects based on the DPO received by Polda Metro Jaya," he said.

The West Java Regional Police are known to have included three suspects in Vina's murder case on the wanted list or DPO. They are Dani (28), Andi (31), and Pegi (30) alias Perong.

The DPO data also conveys the characteristics of the three fugitives, first Pegi alias Perong aged about 30 years, with high characteristics of 160 cm, small body, curly hair, and black skin.

The second suspect, Andi, is about 30 years old, with the high characteristics of 165 cm, small body, straight hair and black skin.

Lastly, Dani, aged about 28 years, with high 170 cm characteristics, moderate body, curly hair and mature sawo skin color

Back to Ade, regarding information that said one of the boronants was in Jakarta, it has yet to be confirmed. It is only emphasized that Polda Metro Jaya will assist in hunting down the DPO of Vina's murder case.

"So when Polda Metro Jaya, Polres ranks, receives a letter requesting assistance in finding suspects on the basis of DPOs from other regional police, from other police outside the jurisdiction, Polda Metro Jaya is ready to help find or arrest according to what was conveyed at the DPO," said Ade.

Meanwhile, in this case, the West Java Police have arrested 8 suspects. They are Rivaldi Aditya Wardana, Eko Ramadhani, Jaya, Supriyanto, Eka Sandi, Hadi Saputra, Sudirman, and Saka Tatal.

In fact, they have undergone a trial process. As a result, 7 people were sentenced to life in prison. While the remaining one was sentenced to 8 years in prison because he was still a minor.

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