North Sumatra Police destroyed five hectares of marijuana fields in Huta Tua Village, East Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency.

"In the operation, it was found that around 6,000 cannabis stems were ready to harvest with a height varying from 2.5 to 3.5 meters," said Dansat Brimob North Sumatra Police Kombes Rantau Isnur Eka as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 16.

The disclosure of this marijuana field is the result of hard work and good coordination between the community, joint intelligence personnel and the operational team of the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit led by the Head of the Sub-Section of Products and Intel Satbrimob Documentation of the North Sumatra Police AKP Budi Naibaho.

The destruction process was carried out by removing and burning all the cannabis plants in the location on Wednesday (15/5).

"This cannabis field destruction is carried out in stages to ensure that there are no plants left and there are no efforts to reuse it by irresponsible parties," said Rantau Isnur.

This destruction is a form of commitment from the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit in eradicating narcotics trafficking in its jurisdiction.

"We will continue to carry out operations like this to ensure that there are no more cannabis fields or other illegal activities that harm our society and our young generation," he said.

This extermination operation also involved a number of personnel from related agencies to ensure the safety and smooth process of destroying the cannabis field.

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