KARAWANG- Selebgram Mega Amelia asked her ex-husband Wawan or Kasla Kuswanto to admit that her child was Vino. Vino is the son of her second serial marriage, which is now 8 months old. Strangely, Wawan did not dare to do a DNA test even though he had been given one month to think by the religious court, Karawang.

"Yesterday, the Karawang Religious Court gave an interim decision to Wawan and ordered him to conduct a DNA test within one month. Unfortunately at that time Wawan was not used well," Yayan Riyanto, Mega Amelia's attorney, told reporters at the Religious Court, Karawang, May 15.

One month is not a long time to think. According to Yahya, if Wawan feels sure Vino is not the son of the relationship with Mega, he should have the courage to take a stand to do the DNA test.

"If he believes that Vino is not his son, then he dares to test DNA to clean his name. Unfortunately, he didn't do it. And it was also stated through his lawyer that his client objected to conducting a DNA test," Yayan said.

Yayan revealed that he had met Wawan in Sudirman and the man admitted that Vino was his son. In addition, he said he was only able to finance his son for Rp. 2.5 million. Yayan emphasized that in this ninth trial, Mega's client only asked for Wawan's confession that Vino was his son.

"The issue of living can be done alone. What is needed is Wawan's confession that Vino is his son," said Yayan.

This child support lawsuit and its origins are registered with the Karawang Religious Court with case number: 546/Pdt.G/2024/PA.Krw, 06/02/2024. In the lawsuit Mega asked for money worth IDR 1.2 billion from her ex-husband.

"The details are a monthly living of Rp. 5 million, multiplied by 12 months and multiplied by 21 years," Yayan explained.

Meanwhile, Mega emphasized that he only wanted to ask Kasla Kuswanto alias Wawan to act as a male man by being responsible for providing support to his 8-month-old son.

"I only ask Kasla to take responsibility by acknowledging her child and providing a living for her child. If she refuses it will hurt people and her extended family is also hurt," said Mega Amelia while speaking with attorney Kasla Kuswanto.

Mega admitted that she had met and apologized directly to her first wife Kasla Kuswanto and explained that Kasla alias Wawan already had children from her relationship.

"I have come and immediately apologized to Mbak Liska's first wife. I apologize earlier but at this time I also want to inform you that this is his son who also needs attention from his father. And Mba Liska said he had also accepted Vino as his son and said Wawan would be responsible," he said. Mega.

Mega questioned why Kasla's current sentence and statement to recognize Vino as his son could change one hundred and eighties degrees.

"This is my question. Why suddenly changed one hundred and fifty degrees by not wanting to recognize Vino as his son," Mega said.

Daus Mini's ex-wife, Yunita Lestari, who was also present and gave support to Mega Amelia, explained the future of a child named Vino who was fought for by his mother.

"Our request is actually trivial, a father's confession to his son. But if they don't admit it, please follow the orders of the panel of judges to do a DNA test, but they don't do it until the time limit runs out. That's what makes us emotional, even though all costs are borne by my friends," said Yunita Lestari.

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