DENPASAR - Polri controlled the 10th World WaterForum security operation through Command Center 91 during Operation Puri Agung 2024 which was at ITDC Nusa Dua, Bali.

"Operation Puri Agung is a centralized police operation, in which this operation with Sandi Puri Agung was deliberately formed, to ensure the maintenance of security carried out during the World Water Forum Summit," said Head of Command Center 91 Operation Puri Agung 2024 Operations Brigadier General Muhammad Firman, Thursday, May 16.

A total of 5,791 Polri personnel who are members of eight task forces and two regional task forces are controlled through the Command Center 91 Command Post.

From the Command Center, the Dansatgas can directly monitor every activity where all members have been deployed in five clusters that are the objects of security, namely the North Nusa Dua cluster, South Nusa Dua, Jimbaran, Kuta and Sanur.

"Then to monitor this security activity, not only the object of the activity, but also the objects of the inn for the delegates later," he said.

Firman explained that Command Center 91 is also connected to CCTV cameras in Bali. Officers when needed to carry out activities in the field if there are problems, threats and disturbances in the field can be controlled quickly.

"Members have been deployed based on the order that has been issued, then to monitor and report the situation there are several communication tools to monitor them in the form of HT, then CCTV is connected to the post, then CCTV is installed in certain objects, then HT is connected to the analytic video alone," he said.

The existence of this post is to ensure that community activities are not disrupted during the WWF Summit from 18-25 May 2024. According to him, people on the Island of the Gods have also become accustomed to national and international events.

"The existence of this operation ensures that the activities of the community are not disrupted, then guarantees that the implementation of this summit takes place safely. So that together with this, of course, the control of members in the field does not interfere with community activities in the field," said Firman.

He hopes that the Balinese people will support this activity and jointly maintain security so that this international event as an image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international community is maintained.

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