Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said the postponement of halal certification for food and beverage products for micro and small businesses (UMK) to October 2026 is a form of government alignment with the people. "The policy of delaying the obligation to halal certification of food products and UMK drinks is a form of the government's alignment with UMK perpetrators," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday, May 16. With this delay, said Minister of Religion Yaqut, UMK actors were given the opportunity to take care of the Business Identification Number (NIB) and submit halal certification until October 2026. "This decision is also to protect business actors, especially UMK so that they are not legally problematic or subject to administrative sanctions," he said. However, Gus Men, as he is familiarly called, said that the obligation for halal certification will still be enforced starting October 18, 2024, for other than MSME products categorized as self-declare. In this regard, the Head of the Halal Product Guarantee Administration Agency (BPJPH) of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Muhammad Aqil Irham said that along with the postponement of the obligation to halal certification for UMK products until October 2026, his party would immediately discuss technical matters with the relevant ministries. "The postponement of the obligation to halal certification also provides time for the government to intensify synergy and collaboration between ministries, Institutions, Regional Governments (Pemda) as well as relevant stakeholders to facilitate the financing of halal certification, data collection, integrated services, and education of halal certification," he said. According to Aqil, the government also needs to prepare sufficient budgeting to facilitate UMK halal certification through the self-declare program. Because, so far BPJPH has experienced budget constraints to finance halal declare certification facilitation for UMK players, which can only finance one million halal certificates per year. "We really feel this limitation, especially in 2023 and 2024, where the quota is always exceeded, because of the enthusiasm of business actors, especially UMK to get a free halal certificate," he said. BPJPH, said Aqil, will take advantage of the postponement of this obligation to continue to carry out socialization, education, and strengthen literacy and publication of halal certification obligations for UMK actors.
Obligations for halal certification are regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No. 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee Sector. Article 140 of this regulation stipulates that the implementation of the obligation to be certified halal for food, beverage, slaughter products, and slaughter services, starting from October 17, 2019 to October 17, 2024.

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