JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla or JK also responded to the proposal or discourse to revive the Grand Advisory Council (DPA). According to him, there is already a Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres). Thus, it implies that there is no need to turn on the DPA. "There is a Wantimpres replacement for the Agung Advisory Council, there are two," said JK to reporters, Thursday, May 16. Wantimpres is known to have a function as a advisor and consideration to the president in carrying out the power of state government. Even with the Council of Supreme Considerations whose duties are not much different. JK did not comment much more on the discourse. It is only emphasized that the presence of Wantimpres is sufficient to give consideration to the president. "Indeed, that's the case," said JK in response to questions about Wantimpres as quite a advisor. The discourse to revive the Supreme Advisory Council was conveyed by the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo. At that time he suggested that the discourse on the formation of the "Presidential Club" that President-elect Prabowo Subianto had conveyed was formalized. "I only said that if we want to be formalized, we once had a DPA, but after the reform, it was deleted, replaced by the name of the Presidential Advisory Council, Wantimpres. Yes, if you want it to be formalized again, how about it, yes, it's okay, it depends on Prabowo, but it has to go through of course the fifth amendment (UUD 1945)," said Bamsoet some time ago.
He said that if Prabowo wanted the DPA to be revived, it would be filled by the former President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

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