JAKARTA - Students of SMKN 4 Pandeglang, Banten Province, are producing electric cars and will certainly be able to enliven the automotive world in the country.

"We are ready to meet the production of electric cars", said Head of the Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering Study Program (TKRO) of SMKN 4 Pandeglang Aat Sapaat in Pandeglang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 10.

The production of electric cars is a creative innovation for students majoring in electrical engineering and light vehicle engineering at SMKN 4 Pandeglang. They design and assemble electric cars to meet automotive needs in the country and also support environmentally friendly without smoke pollution.

The electric vehicle can travel for three hours with an average speed of 40 km/hour and can penetrate mountains and hills.

The production of electric cars by students of SMKN 4 Pandeglang began in November 2020 but was hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The students, he said, could produce one unit of electric car for one month. However, the cost of designing and assembling an electric car is quite high.

The production of electric cars has made technology develop and people can love domestic products.

"We appreciate Banten Governor Wahidin Halim for visiting here and ordering an electric car", he explained.

Previously, said Aat, students' creative innovation here designed electric cars by seeking knowledge from technology on the internet. Because the students have basic knowledge of automotive majors, which tend to be parts of the chassis and body of the vehicle.

Electric cars that are driven by sunlight and converted into electric energy are now making local governments proud.

"I think that energy also drives vehicles, water pumps for farmers, motor for fishermen, and lighting", he said.

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