The Director General of Horticulture at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), Prihasto Setyanto. said that he was often asked for a sum of money when accompanying Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, who at that time served as Minister of Agriculture, carried out a working visit or working visit.
During the trial, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) alluded to the matter of sharing money to meet the non-budgeting of SYL. Then, it was questioned whether there was a request with a slight nominal.
Prihasto stated that small requests usually go through Panji Harjanto, who is SYL's personal aide.
"To Panji, earlier if it was small," said Prihasto during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 15.
Then, the prosecutor questioned what Panji asked for. The witness also said that one of them was Rp. 5 million to Rp. 10 million every time accompanying SYL on a working visit
"Many, sometimes when a working visit is suddenly asked for a joint venture, if for example we echelon I accompany it, we ask for a joint venture of Rp. 5 million, Rp. 10 million, like that," said Prihasto.
"That immediately went to Panji asking him?" asked the prosecutor to make sure.
"Panji, right," said Prihasto
Syahrul Yasin Limpo is suspected of extorting his employees of up to Rp44.5 billion during the 2020-2023 period with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Directorate General of Infrastructure and Facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.
This money was then used for the benefit of Syahrul's wife and family, invited gifts, the NasDem Party, religious events, aircraft charters to Umrah and sacrifices. In addition, he was also charged with receiving gratuities of Rp40.6 M from January 2020 to October 2023
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