Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that his party would trace elements of community organizations (ormas) who collect deposits from illegal parking attendants (jukir) in minimarkets. Because, based on the confessions of illegal minimarket jukir who were brought under control by officers, they were able to arrange parking at the location by depositing part of their income from parking fees for people who came to minimarkets. "There are mass organizations, certain people who take advantage of this, this is what we are aiming for to be monitored by prioritizing coaching and education," said Syafrin in the Monas area, Wednesday, May 15. During the action, illegal jukir in minimarkets affected by raids were recorded by officers. They were also asked to make a letter of agreement stating that they would no longer charge parking fees at minimarkets. Officers then asked for their information to investigate who the mass organizations were brandishing them. "We hope that after the person concerned provides data, we can inventory who is behind him who provides support. We try to educate comprehensively. We do everything, not only downstream, we expect enforcement from upstream to downstream," explained Syafrin. Furthermore, Syafrin said that efforts to control illegal jukir in minimarkets that will run for the next month are still persuasive. However, if there are still wild jukir who are stubborn in raising parking rates to minimarket buyers after being raided, they will be punished with light crimes and fines. This is contained in Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order which prohibits any person or agency from regulating parking without the governor's or appointed official's permission. "The sanctions in Article 61 have been stated that their actions are included in violations which can then be in the form of 10 to 60 days imprisonment, or a fine of Rp. 100,000 to Rp. 20,000,000," he said. It is known that an Alfamidi illegal parking attendant in front of TPU Layur, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, was prosecuted by joint officers. He admitted that he deposited part of his income to individuals. "I'm just guarding it, sir, I deposit Rp. 80,000 per day with the thugs who control this area," said the middle-aged man who was guarding the Alfamidi Layur parking lot, Rawamangun, to VOI at the location.
Matsuri, a illegal parking attendant who was hit by the South Jakarta Transportation Agency (Jaksel) raid, admitted that he deposited a sum of money from illegal parking in Indomaret, Tebet area, South Jakarta. However, Matsuri was reluctant to reveal who the person who received the deposit was, whether it was an officer or a mass organization. "The “Setor is also the same as the people here, who are holding here," Matsuri said when met on Jalan Tebet Supomo, Tebet, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 15, during the day.

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