JAKARTA - The sad news came from the family of the Secretary-General of the DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, his mother Yohana Sutarmi passed away, Wednesday, March 10 at 06.30 WIB.

Yohana Sutarmi passed away at the age of 88. The plan is for the funeral to be held on Thursday 11 March at 11.00 WIB in Sleman, Yogyakarta.

"Please pray, hopefully, the path will be cleared, and get the best place and eternal happiness in heaven. Please forgive all the mistakes of Mrs. Yohana Sutarmi", said Hasto, Wednesday, March 10.

Hasto recalled Tuesday, March 9 evening, he still heard that his mother was in good condition and still ate dinner as usual. However, this morning on his way to his office he received the sad news.

"This morning on my way from home to work, leaving at 5:35 am, along the way I played the song Nderek Dewi Maria. My mother's favorite song, and at 6:30 am, just a few moments after arriving at the office, I got the news, my mother called by God", said Hasto.

Once upon a time, Hasto asked his mother why she liked singing, the mother replied that it was like a singing voice in her ear and she just imitated it.

"And miraculously, my mother memorized so many songs", explained Hasto about the conversation with his mother.

"My mother has been sincere, and what happened according to her expectations, God called her in good condition, at home and not sick. Even during the last 3 years, Mother likes to hum and sing many songs", concluded Hasto.

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