Joint officers from the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub), DKI Satpol PP, and the TNI-Polri will conduct raids on illegal parking attendants (jukir) in all minimarkets in Jakarta for the next month.
Joint officers consist of 6 teams to curb illegal minimarket jukir in 5 administrative cities in Jakarta. One team consists of 100 joint personnel.
During the inspection of controlling the illegal minimarket jukir, the joint team will ask the illegal jukir to be asked to no longer collect parking rates from people who come to minimarkets.
"Dilakukan pendataan, setelah itu yang bersangkutan diminta untuk membuat surat pernyataan untuk tidak melakukan pengaturan parkir secara liar," kata Kepala Dishub DKI Jakarta Syafrin Liputo di kawasan Monas, Rabu, 15 Mei.
The illegal jukir that was brought under control by the joint team was operating in minimarkets in separate buildings. Meanwhile, minimarkets located in one commercial area do not become locations for control because they have been integrated with the parking management of the DKI Transportation Agency.
Syafrin said that efforts to control illegal jukir in Jakarta minimarkets in the next month have not been accompanied by sanctions.
"The next 1 month action starting on the 15th is that the pattern is persuasive humanist. This means that what we are doing is in the form of coaching and then educating illegal parking attendants," explained Syafrin.
Syafrin realized that the joint team could not eradicate illegal jukir only with mobile raids. Therefore, people who know that there are still illegal jukir in minimarkets can complain through the JAKI channel or Quick Response of the Community (CRM).
"We continue to carry out an inventory of incoming reports, both through Jaki and CRM of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, so that we follow up the following day," explained Syafrin.
"Once people experience it, usually it is valid, so the team can immediately go down, we can provide direct guidance to the illegal parking attendant," he continued.
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