JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy asked state universities (PTN) and PTN legal entities (PTN BH) not to just raise single tuition fees (UKT) arbitrarily.

"In my opinion, from the campus, in relation to UKT, it must be really wise and wise. For example, if there is an increase in UKT, from the start there must be a contract, agreement with students and parents that there will be an increase," said Muhadjir, Tuesday, May 14.

In fact, he continued, if necessary, the value of the increase must also be determined. So, don't suddenly go up the road to raise the UKT.

Coordinating Minister Muhadjir assessed that what is currently happening regarding PTN BH that unilaterally raises UKT is a reckless step. That means the campus does not have a good plan in relation to financial management.

"So from the start they (students and parents) have been told, even how much the increase should be conveyed. Thus, parents also did not panic when they were told there was a sudden increase and very drastic. For example, how much percent," explained Muhadjir.

Muhadjir explained, if it had to go up per year, it would also not be a problem as long as there was an agreement on how much percent. This is also because of the value of inflation.

He suggested that the UKT increase should not be imposed on students who are already in college, but it would be better if it was determined for new students.

"If there is an increase, it will be determined, an increase to new students. So if the new students still want to enter, they already know that there is an increase in UKT, they don't feel trapped," said Muhadjir, who has also served as minister of education and culture.

Muhadjir assessed that if the increase occurred and was imposed suddenly on students who were already in college, it would be natural for the students to feel trapped and express their aspirations.

"It is impossible for them to resign and it is impossible to resign because the UKT has increased," explained Muhadjir, who has also served as Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).

Allegedly, one of the factors contributing to the high cost of tuition fees at universities is the impact of the implementation of the policy of state universities of legal entities (PTN BH). This regulation gives the campus autonomy that is given the right to regulate or manage universities independently, from the academic aspect to financial management.

As a result, tuition fees are increasingly expensive when PTN becomes an independent institution. This is because you have to pay for the campus itself.

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