Sukabumi City Police and Sukabumi City Fire Department arrested dozens of people suspected of being thugs and illegal parking attendants. "There are 30 people who we arrested in several locations in Sukabumi City, West Java. They are suspected of being thugs and illegal parking attendants," said Sukabumi City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Bagus Panuntun quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 14. According to Bagus, dozens of thugs and illegal parking attendants were arrested after his party received complaints from the public regarding the rise of illegal parking attendants and thuggery acts, so that joint officers immediately took action by following up by conducting sweeps at several locations in Sukabumi City suspected of gathering places. The suspected of extortion and thuggery and illegal parking attendants who were caught by the joint raids were immediately escorted to the Sukabumi City Police Headquarters for data collection, guidance and making statements so as not to do the same as asking for money forcibly on the road to make people restless. This joint operation aims to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community, because their existence has been troubling and of course disturbing road users. "So far, we have not received reports related to allegations of extortion and thuggery actions carried out by unscrupulous persons on several roads and minimarkets. But the existence of people suspected of being thugs and illegal parking attendants has disturbed residents," he added. In addition, Bagus said that the existence of illegal parking attendants who hang out on several minimarkets and highways has made it restless so that the public complains to them for control. From the results of examinations and witness statements, illegal parking attendants who are on a number of minimarkets and roads that are indeed in carrying out their actions are not forcing, let alone to threaten the safety of residents, only their existence disrupts public order and it is feared that criminal cases occur.

He hopes that this control and firm action can create a deterrent effect so that people feel comfortable and can carry out activities without any disturbance from illegal parking or thuggery acts. "Therefore, for the convenience of joint operations like this, his party will routinely do so that thugs and illegal parking attendants are no longer found hanging around the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi City Police. To the public, he appealed if there was a disturbance in security and social order to immediately report to the nearest police or go through a call center at 110 or report to the Police-SIP MAS at 0811654110," he said.

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