Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said the meeting between the general chairmen, Megawati Soekarnoputri and Prabowo Subianto who are elected presidents for the 2024-2029 period will occur in the right momentum. One of them, during the national agenda that brought together the leaders.

This possibility was conveyed when asked about the discourse of the Megawati-Prabowo meeting which had not been implemented until now.

"Yes, in the right momentum after the party's agenda is on the road, the meeting will be held," Hasto told reporters at the National Gallery, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 13.

"We have national agendas where the leaders can meet together. For example, there is spirit August 17 and so on," continued the former member of the DPR RI.

Hasto denied that communication between Megawati and Prabowo's camps had stalled.

"Of course, communication so far with the Gerindra Party, for example, can run well in the implementation of regional elections, for example," he said.

In addition, PDIP also continues to build communication with many parties in the context of regional elections. This is because the politics in the regions called Hasto colors the national dynamics.

"So what happens in the dynamics at the national level is also colored by what is happening in the regions," said Hasto.

"Where almost all parties are currently concentrating on the implementation of the simultaneous regional elections," he concluded.

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