JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) reminded President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be careful in choosing the selection committee for candidates for KPK leadership. Anyone who fills that position must be free from conflicts of interest.

It is known that the formation of a candidate for KPK leadership and the KPK Supervisory Board will be announced in May 2024. The process is still ongoing and the composition will consist of five government representatives and four civil society representatives.

"The president must ensure that each member of the Pansel is clean of any indication of a conflict of interest," said ICW researcher Diky Anandya in a discussion quoted on Monday, May 13.

Diky said it was easy for the president to detect possible conflicts of interest and even affiliates with certain party groups. According to him, there are devices that can provide clear information.

"The president himself has a device, all devices to check someone's background. Starting from his work history, his legal history, to whether someone has affiliation with certain state institutions or political groups," he said.

"This is what must be feared later. The Pansel should not be a tool to pass certain candidates on the basis of its special closeness," continued Diky.

Furthermore, the Pansel must also have competence in the situation of eradicating corruption. "Especially (conditions, red) of the KPK institutions in the last five years," said the anti-corruption activist.

Diky said, it is important for the Pansel to find a person who can be a medicine for the condition of the anti-corruption commission. "Secondly, what the president must and importantly consider is integrity as the main criterion and most important in the election of the names of members of the Pansel," he explained.

"It must be considered to ensure that the selection process can also run in a transparent, accountable and participatory manner," concluded Diky.

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