JAKARTA - The Land Transport Organization (Organda) has requested that the supervision and enforcement of the KIR test rules and other related regulations for tourism buses be further improved in order to prevent the rise of transportation that is not in accordance with regulations.

"Currently, KIR costs have been cut but have been tightened, although not in all regions, but there are still many (transportors) who do not carry out this obligation. Thus, strict supervision and punishment in the field must be further improved," said Chairman of the DPP Passenger Transport Organda Kurnia Lesani Adnan when contacted by ANTARA in Jakarta, Sunday, May 12.

Kurnia conveyed this in response to a tourism bus accident that brought a group of students from SMK Lingga Kencana Depok in the Ciater area, Subang, West Java.

According to him, the implementation that is not in accordance with this law will be strict, strict and consistent.

"The implementation should not be in accordance with this law, the sanctions are firm, strict and consistent. This is what makes transportation actors not in accordance with the regulations of mushrooming and being very free to roam, I make sure this is very large in the field," he said.

Kurnia Lesani Adnan also asked law enforcement officials to criminally process the law of the tour organizers regarding the tourism bus accident that was carried by the Lingga Kencana Depok Vocational School student group in the Ciater area, Subang, West Java.

By seeing the accident of a tourism bus in Ciater, Subang last night showed the importance of firm supervision and prosecution and concern from all stakeholders including the government. The tourism bus that had an accident in Ciater itself has changed its shape from its previous form. This means that this bus has violated its birth certificate.

"For the prevention of things like this, the organizers of this tour must be involved and processed criminally because they have used tools that are not in accordance with the law," he said.

He appealed to the investigation of the tourism bus accident case in Ciater, Subang not only to stop at the driver / driver level, but must continue to the level of bus companies, tour organizers and school event committees.

On a separate occasion, transportation observer Djoko Setijowarno from the Catholic University (Unika) Soegijapranata said that the police must file a lawsuit and take firm action against bus entrepreneurs, including old businessmen who do not obey the rules, especially for tourism bus transporters who do not carry out KIR and do not have a permit.

"The police must take action against bus entrepreneurs who are not in administrative order so that they can cause accidents." Djoko told ANTARA.

He said that almost all of the tourist buses that traffic accidents were AKAP/AKDP buses. And the fatal victims have the same pattern, namely the absence of a safety belt and bus body that is porous, so that when an accident occurs, there is a deformation that makes the victim stuck.

"The old bus was not destroyed or scrapped, but resold as a public vehicle, because it was still a yellow plate, so it could be in KIR but did not have a permit. This situation continues and cannot be controlled," said Djoko.

The Safety Management System must also be implemented by every public transportation entrepreneur. This obligation is already in the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 85 of 2018 concerning the Safety Management System of Public Transportation Companies.

The Public Transport Company Safety Management System is part of the company's management in the form of a safety governance carried out by a comprehensive and coordinated Public Transport Company in order to realize safety and manage accident risks.

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