JAKARTA - The United States on Friday announced a new military aid package worth US$400 million (around Rp6.42 trillion) for Ukraine.

The new aid packages include ammunition for Patriot missile systems, High Mobility Artillery Rocket (HIMAR) systems, Stoner anti-air missiles, 155mm artillery shells, TOW and Javelin missiles, as well as AT-4 armored anti-layer systems.

There is also assistance for Bradley combat vehicles, and Anti-Mmine Ambush Protection Vehicles (MRAPs) as well as other equipment.

"As has been explained by President Biden, the US and the international coalition that we form will continue to support Ukraine in defending its freedom," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement quoted by ANTARA from Anadolu, Saturday, May 11.

The move came after the US Congress approved a bill of USD 60.8 billion (approximately IDR 976.2 trillion) for Ukraine last month.

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