SOUTH SUMATRA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra (Sumsel), has prepared funds of IDR 1.5 billion for flood disaster management in the area.

"The flooding that has occurred in OKU Regency since Tuesday (May 7) until today has had a very big impact on people affected by natural disasters," said OKU Regent Teddy Meilwansyah in Baturaja, South Sumatra, Wednesday, May 8, as reported by Antara.

Related to this, Teddy said that his party had coordinated with the South Sumatra Provincial Government to prepare assistance funds of Rp. 1.5 billion for flood victims in his area.

"The aid funds are to help ease the burden on people affected by natural disasters so they don't get involved in sadness," he said.

The OKU Regency Government also continues to strive to provide basic food assistance, including health services such as providing medicines so that people avoid various diseases caused by flooding.

"Hopefully the flood will recede soon and there will be no further aftershocks," he said.

Based on data from the OKU Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), it was recorded that more than 1,500 houses in the area were affected by flooding with a water level of 1.5 meters.

Although there were no casualties, the natural disaster also damaged a number of public facilities such as suspension bridges and several road points in the area were flooded so that traffic flow was completely paralyzed.

"Currently, several roads such as Canal, Tanjung Kemala, and Tanjung Dalam villages that were flooded can now be passed by vehicles again," said Head of BPBD OKU Januar Efendi.

Nevertheless, Januar appealed to the public to remain vigilant in facing potential aftershocks so as not to cause casualties.

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