KENDARI - Sampara Sector Police, Konawe and the Kendari Police Buser 77 Team, arrested two perpetrators suspected of burning a resident's house in Abeli Sawah Village, Anggalomoare District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Sampara Police Chief, Konawe, Ipda Kasibun, said the perpetrators of the burning of the house were carried out by five people with victims of the home owners Sariem and Wartini.

"The fire was carried out twice, namely on Sunday (5/5) at around 22.00 WITA, and on Tuesday (7/5) around 00.30 WITA in the morning," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.

The cause of the burning of the house was due to jealousy against Desi which was allegedly related to Maulana and then carried out acts of terror by burning the victim's house.

Victim Sariem complained to the Sampara Police on Monday (6/5), while Wartini complained about the fire incident on Tuesday (7/5).

"For the complaint, a police report was made, then the Sampara Police Chief formed a special team (Timsus) of five people and visited the crime scene (TKP)," he explained.

From the results of the TKP, Personnel found several pieces of evidence, including an Aqua bottle containing partalite fuel oil (BBM), a Kratingdaeng bottle containing partalite and axile fuel from a cloth in a broken condition, and an ABC bottle containing Partalite fuel with complete conditions.

"The alleged perpetrator was successfully secured by Sampara Police personnel together with the Kendari Police Buser 77 Team at the Ranomeeto border gate in Kendari City," said Kasibun

"Until now, we have only arrested two of the five suspects, namely AF alias T (30) and MRA alias R (20), the two suspects are from Kendari City," he added.

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