TANJUNG SELOR - North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) is the only province in Kalimantan that has succeeded in suppressing the inflation rate and even the 34th province is the lowest in the Kalimantan region.

The Governor of North Kalimantan, Zainal A Paliwang, said this success was a joint commitment of local governments that had synergized with the central government to suppress the pace of inflation in the regions.

"This result, we appreciate the cooperation of all parties who have collaborated, starting from the district/city level to the central government," said Zainal, Tuesday, May 7.

Governor Zainal explained that the inflation rate in Kaltara in April 2024 was recorded at 2.47 percent.

"We always hold inflation coordination meetings every week which are led directly by the Minister of Home Affairs. And we always follow a number of directions given," he said.

In addition, the North Kalimantan Provincial Government has also held cooperation with a number of related parties, including Bulog, to promote the Cheap Food Movement.

"From there, I instructed a number of related regional apparatus, such as the Disperindapkop-UKM and the North Kalimantan DPKP to collaborate in carrying out the Cheap Food Movement," he explained.

Then, the Cheap Food Movement (GPM) which was held in Tanjung Selor, Tarakan, and Nunukan made rice prices affordable. In other words, people get it easily and cheaply.

Although currently the prices of sugar and onions tend to increase, the Governor is still optimistic that the relevant regional apparatus will continue to innovate.

"We have prepared a kiosk container with Bulog to provide cheap, cheap and affordable rice, so that those who had gone up could slowly subside", he said.

In addition, the Governor said that the plan to create kiosks at several location points, especially those that are easily accessible to the public, such as the main market and other market centers, so that they can reduce rice prices from rising.

This is like this in Tarakan City, which has collaborated between outside regions with Sulawesi so that it can maintain rice stocks in the market. Even so, the main focus is that this rice will be assisted through Bulog and the National Food Agency through the Cheap Food Movement.

"We also maximize effective information communication between districts/cities, we are provinces to districts/cities as well, inter-city districts so that we can suppress inflation more effectively," he said.

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