JAKARTA - Professor of the UGM Department of Public Management and Policy Agus Pramusinto said that the proposal of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka pair to increase the number of ministries from 34 to more than 40 needed scientific studies.

"The addition or reduction of ministries and institutions must be based on scientific studies supported by complete data," Agus said when contacted by ANTARA from Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8 morning.

In addition, the consideration of efficiency and effectiveness of the institution must also be an important concern. The reason is, do not let the addition of ministries increase the issue of efficiency.

"Moreover, until there is an overlap with existing institutions," he said.

The opposite, said Agus, should not let the ministry's reduction in order to consider efficiency has an impact on the functions that must be carried out to be ineffective.

Previously, Monday (6/5), Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, considered it natural to increase the number of ministries because Indonesia is a large country so that it needs assistance from many parties.

According to Habiburokhman, the more ministries, the better for government and public services because Indonesia has a target as well as a big challenge to achieve.

"In the context of a large number of countries, it means big, for me it's good, our country is big. Our challenges are big, our targets are big," said Habiburokhman at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (6/5).

Habiburokhman did not deny when asked about the news that said that Prabowo Subianto's elected Indonesian Presidential Candidate would form as many as 40 ministries.

Baca juga:

- https://voi.id/berita/379521/ganjar-deklarasi-oposisi-pemerintah-prabowo-gibran-politikus-senior-pdip-itu-bukan-sikap-partai

- https://voi.id/teknologi/379472/7-pengumuman-terbesar-dari-acara-apple-let-loose

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/379517/kronologi-meninggalnya-dorman-borisman-idap-penyakit-dekubitus-hingga-hampir-diamputasi

Even so, he claimed the idea emerged not only to accommodate the interests of political parties supporting Prabowo.

The Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR emphasized that the number of ministries that many should not necessarily be a place to accommodate political interests.

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