YOGYAKARTA - Population administration services are making it easier with the digitization system. Now people can check birth certificates online, so they no longer have to bother going to the Dukcapil office. There are several ways to see online birth certificates that can be done.

Previously, people who wanted to check birth certificates had to go to the Dukcapil office to see the documents. This process is certainly quite a hassle for people whose house is quite far from the Dukcapil office as well as for those who are busy and do not have time to take time.

Thanks to the improvement of Dukcapil services using the online system, this need can be facilitated easily. So how to see online birth certificates that need to be understood by everyone?

Checking birth certificates online can be done through a website or email. By using this method, the process of seeing a birth certificate becomes easier and more practical without having to waste much time.

Here are some ways to check birth certificates online that you can practice on your own:

You can see the birth certificate online through the official Dukcapil website. However, it should be noted that the Dukcapil site for each region is different. So make sure you access the Dukcapil page according to the area where you live or domicile.

Follow the following steps to check your birth certificate online from the Dukcapil website:

You can also see birth certificates online through the Dukcapil call center service. Do the following steps:

The birth certificate document contains a QR code in the lower right corner of the printed sheet. The QR code in this birth certificate is an electronic signature that is used as a signature of the authenticity of the data or a substitute for the signature and wet stamp.

How to check birth certificates from QR codes is not complicated. The following are steps that you can follow to see birth certificates through the QR code:

Dukcapil has provided population administration services online for various purposes. In addition to being able to check birth certificates, the public can also use online services to take care of other documents such as death certificates, family cards, transfer letters, and others.

With this online service, the public does not need to queue again to take care of the documents above. After using online services to view documents, you can print the document yourself from home.

That's how to see an online birth certificate that everyone needs to understand. For those of you who are in need to check birth certificates, try applying one of the several methods above. Also read the requirements for breaking the KK and how to take care of it.

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