JAKARTA - The couple Denny Sumargo and Oliv are just waiting for weeks before the birth of their first child, which is estimated to be female.

Denny Sumargo on one occasion said that the estimated time of his wife's birth was in mid-July.

"(The gestation age) is 8 months and 2 weeks, I think the point is that in mid-July it is possible to give birth," said Denny Sumargo in the Gondangdia area, Central Jakarta, Saturday, June 29.

Knowing that her future daughter, Denny Sumargo admitted to making several preparations, one of which was by stopping seeing sexy women.

"I reduce seeing sexy women because my child is just a little less girl," joked Denny Sumargo.

For other preparations, he is more prepared in terms of finance for his future baby.

"The rest are more financially grateful to God, I hope it's okay, it's usually difficult to become a financial father," he added.

He also tries to improve himself, especially in terms of nature because he wants to be a father who can set the best example for his daughter.

"It's just that maybe his character must be improved a lot because my son is a girl, he must see his father as a role model, so avoid cheating," he explained.

He also said that he did not want to be too restrained by his future daughter, the most important thing for him was being able to maintain his attitude in any condition.

"No, I'll tell him to clubbing, only he doesn't dance, Tiktok doesn't use BH, that's not good," he said.

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