Pneumonia Cases In High Children, Prevention Efforts Must Be Improved
Photo: Special

JAKARTA - Acute pneumonia or lung tissue infection (alveoli) is the main cause of child mortality in the world. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), pneumonia caused death in 740,180 children under the age of 5 in 2019, accounting for 14 percent of all child deaths under the age of 5.

Responding to this phenomenon, PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana), a biopharmaceutical and vaccine company in Indonesia, conveyed a strong commitment to preventing pneumonia in children. Indra Lamora, Director of Anti-Infectious Business Unit Etana, said that awareness of the high mortality rate due to pneumonia in children is the main trigger for Etana to focus on preventing the disease.

"We at Etana feel moved to increase the reach of pneumonia vaccination in Indonesia, with the aim of providing maximum protection for our golden generation," said Indra Lamora, in a written statement, Thursday, May 2.

Concrete steps have been taken by Etana to support efforts to prevent pneumonia in children. One of them is by providing innovative biofarmation products such as the PCV 13 Vaccine. This vaccine is not only of high quality, but also has affordable prices, and has been produced locally in Indonesia.

"We also support the government's program in the independence of drugs and vaccines in Indonesia and collaborate with non-profit institutions and medical professional organizations in conducting sustainable education about the importance of pneumonia vaccination in children under the age of 5," he added.

In line with this commitment, Etana also participated in the procession of 'Risk Factors and prevention of Pneumonia and Hepatitis A in Children' which was held together with the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) in Bali on April 21, 2024. This is also a form of Etana's support for preventing pneumonia in children in Indonesia.

During the event, pediatrician Dr. Dr. Ida Bagus Subanada, Sp.A(k) said that the lack of complete immunization was one of the causes of pneumonia in Indonesian children. According to data from the Ministry of Health, pneumonia is the main cause of death in children aged 0-11 months and the second cause is in children aged 1-5 years in Indonesia. Globally, it is estimated that there are 71 Indonesian children who experience pneumonia every hour.

"Children who pass immunizations compared to those who do not, the death rate is higher. The immunization reduces the risk of developing severe pneumonia," explained doctor Ida.

As the most important message to the public, Etana wants to emphasize that with PCV 13 Vaccination, each child gets effective protection against pneumonia. Thus, Etana is committed to safeguarding Indonesia's golden generation to avoid the risk of death from this preventable disease.

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