JAKARTA - Bank BTN Harmoni employees suddenly panicked when a group of mobs stormed the lobby of the BTN Harmoni office building, Jalan Gajah Mada, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, April 30, afternoon.

A group of mobs came with banners demanding their actions. The attack on Bank BTN Harmoni had clashed with the police who had guarded the building.

However, the mass ranks and command cars managed to break into the guard fence of the police and pushed into the lobby of the Bank BTN Harmoni building.

When a group of mobs entered, there was a commotion with Bank BTN Harmoni security and pushing each other. However, the large number of people who came managed to break into the guard to the lobby of Bank BTN Harmoni.

"This action is an initiative of the community who are members of the anti-corruption coalition. They heard information that there was some money belonging to a customer that suddenly disappeared where the money was officially deposited at Bank BTN. Then without the customer's permission, the money could be transferred, it could be used by one of the BTN employees," said the acting spokesman, Gregorius Upi, to reporters at the location.

The incident panicked the employees and customers at the scene. Even the command car carried by a group of people also entered and waved in front of the BTN Bank lobby.

"There is absolutely no responsibility for the customer's money. The loss of tens of billions. We ask for our return. If it is not returned, we will continue to demonstrate every day," he said.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the mass group was still correlated in front of the lobby of the Bank BTN Harmoni building. The crowd also put up a number of demands banners. Meanwhile, the police also strengthened their guard at the location.

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