Bans Wara-wiri Electric Bikes On Jalan Raya Mukomuko, Police Will Letter Sub-district Heads To Village Heads
Illustration of electric bicycle users received advice from members of the police. (ANTARA-HO-Polres Gunung Mas)

BENGKULU - Police prohibit electric bicycles from operating on the Mukomuko highway, Bengkulu Province. The use of electric bicycles on major roads is declared to have violated the rules and can cause high potential for traffic accidents. "Electric bicycles should not be used on the highway for violating applicable regulations," said Mukomuko Police Chief AKBP Yana Supriatna in her statement, Sunday, April 28, confiscated by Antara.

He said this was to follow up on reports from motorized vehicle users in this area which were disrupted by the presence of electric bicycles operating on the road in this area.

Furthermore, he said, the police will give an appeal to local residents via social media or print and online media to no longer use electric bicycles on highways in this area. In fact, he said, the Mukomuko Police would write to the sub-district head, village head, and village head to convey to their citizens. In addition, he said, personnel from the Mukomuko Police Traffic Unit and police personnel will also socialize the rules governing the ban on electric bicycles operating on highways in this area. He said that the ban on electric bicycles operating on the highway is regulated in the Minister of Transportation Regulation in 2024, namely users must be at least 12 years old, and must wear helmets. Then, he continued, the Minister of Transportation also set a maximum speed limit of 25 kilometers per hour.

Selanjutnya, kata dia, personel kepolisian resor setempat akan meningkatkan patroli dan razia di jalan raya dan melakukan tindakan hukum terhadap para pengguna sepeda listrik di daerah ini.Sementara itu, katanya, pihaknya bekerja sama dengan Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Mukomuko dalam melakukan razia terhadap warga yang menggunakan sepeda listrik di jalan raya sesuai aturan yang berlaku.

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