TANGERANG - Four suspects in the bullying case against ASS (17) who are also students of Binus Serpong High School, South Tangerang. It turned out that no arrests were made.

The victim's attorney, Rizki Firdaus, said that 4 suspects had not been detained. Because of the guarantor of 4 Binus Serpong students in South Tangerang.

Actually, detention is subjectivity and there are many indicators that must be equipped with a rich guarantor. What is certain is that parents guarantee it," Rizki said when visited in the Serpong area, South Tangerang, Sunday, April 28.

Rizki also said that the 4 suspects were only subject to mandatory reporting, until the trial of the bullying case began.

"It is mandatory to report once a week, it is also neat and administrative. So the matter of being suspended objectively, (so) it's not a problem," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's family did not have a problem with this either. Like the most important thing is that this case continues until the court table.

"The important thing is that the process continues, it can be held in court, whatever the result, he can accept it," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the South Tangerang Police (Tangsel) named 4 students as suspects and 8 students as witnesses in cases of violence against children, bullying (Bully) that occurred at Binus Serpong High School, South Tangerang.

Information obtained, 4 suspects in the case of bullying at Binus Serpong High School, namely, E (18), R (18), J (18) and G (19).

Meanwhile, 8 other students are categorized as children in conflict with the law, who are suspected of committing a criminal act of violence against minors or beatings.

The increase in the status of students involved in the case of bullying at Binus Serpong High School, South Tangerang was determined after the police, namely the South Tangerang Police Sat Reskim PPA Unit, conducted an investigation since receiving a police report on February 14, 2024.

Then, February 20, 2024, investigators conducted a case title. As a result, it was found that there was a criminal case so that the status of the case was upgraded from investigation to investigation.

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