JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) encourages the leadership of the National Police to provide psychologists at each Polres to prevent unnatural deaths by police personnel.

"As far as I know, psychologists are still not at the Polres level," said Kompolnas member Poengky Indarti when confirmed in Jakarta, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, April 28.

According to Poengky, the presence of psychologists at each Polres is important considering the workload and the high stress level of members.

From the point of view of Kompolnas that the police are also ordinary people, who have various problems in their lives. Moreover, the task of the police is heavy, namely serving, protecting, protecting the community and enforcing the law, which can sometimes lead to stress.

The member of Kompolnas from the community element said it was very important for the leadership of the National Police to pay attention not only to the physical/jasmani members, but also to take care of the members mentally/psychically.

Moreover, Polri personnel who in carrying out their duties must face high pressure, such as dealing with criminals, and so on.

According to him, the average perpetrator of suicide is the NCO, with various suicide motives. Some are worried because they are involved in criminal cases, some are depressed due to personal problems, some because of economic factors and others.

"It is better for the leadership of the National Police to provide psychologists for counseling at each Polres, including collaborating with universities or psychologist unions to overcome the limitations of psychologists at the Polres level," he said.

The case of a member of the National Police's death is not natural again. This time, an unscrupulous member of the Manado Police, North Sulawesi, Brigpol RA, was found dead with gunshot wounds in a car on Jalan Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, and suspected of committing suicide.

"We are sorry for the death of Brigpol RA," said Poengky.

Poengky said that currently the South Jakarta Police are still conducting investigations related to the death of Brigpol RA, including conducting an autopsy and examining witnesses to investigate what the problem resulted in Brigpol being suspected of committing suicide.

"Please wait for the results," he said.

Regarding this case, said Poengky, Kompolnas supports professional investigations and investigations based on scientific crime investigation.

In addition, Kompolnas also coordinated with Polda Metro Jaya to monitor the handling of the South Jakarta Police regarding the case.

"It is very important to have physical and psychological routine examinations, as well as provide counseling places for members," said Poengky.

Several cases of unnatural death by members of the National Police occurred in 2023, namely on May 1, 2023, East Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head AKBP Buddy Alfrits Towoliu was killed when he was hit by a train on the railroad tracks of Jatinegara Station.

Then, on September 22, 2023, the personal bodyguard of the North Kalimantan Police Chief Brigpol Setyo Herlambang was found dead in a room at the official residence of the Kapolda. Also the case of the death of Bripka Arfan Saragih, a member of the Samosir Police Traffic Unit, was suspected of committing suicide by drinking cyanide poison, in February 2023.

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