Pengyair Joko Pinurbo Dies
Pengyair Joko Pinurbo (ANTARA/HO)

The prominent singer Joko Pinurbo died at the age of 62 in his city where the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) lives.

The news was reinforced by an upload from one of his colleagues, Ulin Ni'am Yusron, on Instagram @ulinyusron.

"Innalillahi wa innaillaihi rojiun. The poet, role model and guide of the IKJ Mas master's time @jokpin.jogja this morning. Currently the body is still in the hospital and will be buried at PUKY this afternoon. The deceased will be buried tomorrow Sunday in Sleman," Ulin said in her upload quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 27.

Joko Pinurbo, who is often called Jokpin, is known as a poet who already has a big name in Indonesia. His works have inspired many of his fans, including the younger generation.

Some of his works, known among them are Pants (1999), My Little Girlfriend's Pants Under Sarong's Kibaran (2007), Under Sarong's Kibaran (2001), My Little Girlfriend (2002), to Tanggam Phone (2003).

His latest work was released in the form of a book in 2020 titled Khong Guan: Collection of Poems. On social media he is known to echo the message #CongratulationsMenunaikanIIbadahPuisi.

Closing his message to the person who had guided him, Ulin said, "Sugeng Tindak Mas Jokpin. Welcome to assembly in swargaloka, create a beautiful poem with Mr. @damonosapardi".

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